Location: Atlanta, GA

Client: City of Atlanta - Atlanta Information Management

Services: Strategic Planning, IT Project Management, Process Improvement

Project Value: $4.38B+

Description: The Atlana BeltLine is a sustainable redevelopment project that will ultimately connect 45 intown neighborhoods via a 22-mile loop of multi-use trails, modern streetcar, parks, affordable housing and businesses. We provide IT Project Management and stakeholder management services on behalf of the City of Atlanta specifically for the fiber optic cable design process and various amenities throughout each trail segment.


Location: Atlanta, GA

Client: City of Atlanta - Atlanta Information Management

Services: Strategic Planning, IT Project Management, Process Improvement

Project Value: $4M+

Description: We provide community, construction, and program management strategy; IT Project Management; and Liaise between the IKE team and City of Atlanta partners and department leaders. The program will ultimately yield 120 interactive kiosks providing free wi-fi across the City and serving as a catalyst for an increased pedestrian experience, dynamic local content and wayfinding features that drive equity and discovery. 

city of new orleans

Location: New Orleans, LA

Client: City of New Orleans - IT & Innovation Department

Services: IT Staff Augmentation; Project Management, Digital Opportunity & Broadband Innovation

Project Value: Ongoing

Description: The team provides IT staff augmentation to the Client in multiple areas such as cyber security, Azure architecture, project management, and business analytics. We are tasked with leading the charge towards fiber expansion, modernized technology and digital opportunity programs aimed at closing the digital divide throughout the City of New Orleans.

city of atlanta

Location: Atlanta, GA

Client: City of Atlanta - Atlanta Information Management Department

Services: Smart Cities Planning, Logistics & Project Management; Stakeholder/Civic Engagement & Management; Fiber Optic Cabling Design & Construction Oversight

Project Value: $4B+

Description: The team served in a staff augmentation capacity to the Atlanta Information Management team working with the Client as project management support for the smart cities project portfolio. This included, fiber optic cabling design and construction oversight for the Atlanta BeltLine project, Interactive Kiosk program and planning efforts for the Client's future IT ecosystem.